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The serifs of the upper-case 'W' are joined on the left and centre.

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  14 of 16  

Aldine 401
EF Bauer Bodoni
Bauer Bodoni (URW)
URW Bodoni
Monotype Bodoni
Bodoni (BT)
Bodoni Antiqua
Berthold Bodoni Antiqua
Bodoni Classico
LTC Cloister Bold
ITC Garamond Ultra
Karloff Positive
Karloff Positive Bold
Our Bodoni
Regent Bold

Karloff Positive Bold

Karloff Positive Bold

Designers: Peter Biľak and Pieter van Rosmalen

Year: 2012

Publisher: Typotheque

An OpenType font that includes both lining and oldstyle figures.

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