
Fonts by Appearance

Fonts by Name

Fonts by Similarity

Fonts by Picture

Fonts by Designer/Publisher


The Identifont Tools page features a collection of utilities to help you find fonts for specific applications, or identify fonts with particular features.

Unusual features

The Unusual features tool provides a quick way of identifying a font if it has a character with an unusual or distinctive feature. Select the character with the unusual feature, and if the feature is listed, select it to show a list of all fonts containing that feature.


The Differences tool allows you to compare two similar fonts and see a list of the major differences. This is a useful way of distinguishing between two close matches for a font you are trying to identify, or learning about the typographical differences between two font designs.

Tall fonts

The Tall fonts page is designed to help you find extra condensed fonts for applications where copy needs to fit into a narrow space. It shows a list of the most narrow fonts on Identifont, ranked in order of width, and subdivided into serif, sans-serif, script, and display.

Wide fonts

Similarly, the Wide fonts page is useful for finding wide fonts for applications where vertical space is at a premium. Again the fonts are subdivided into serif, sans-serif, script, and display.


The Companions page helps you find fonts that will work well together, such as for headings, body text, and captions. Sometimes these complementary fonts have names that make the relationship obvious, such as FontFont’s FF Meta and FF Meta Serif. However, some fonts designed specifically to work well together don’t have obviously related names; one such pair is the familiar Verdana and Georgia.


The Opticals page shows typeface families with versions of the typeface intended for use at different sizes. These are called opticals, or optical sizes - versions of the typeface intended for use at specific sizes.

Equal width fonts

The Equal width fonts page shows font families in which the different weights or styles have been designed to have identical character widths. This is useful in applications where you want the freedom to change style or weight without having to reflow the text, or where you want to set headings in different weights or styles that line up perfectly.

Font Blender

Font Blender is aimed at designers who are looking for inspiration when choosing fonts for projects. You provide a starting and an ending font, and Font Blender generates a list of fonts that successively "blend" in appearance between those fonts.

It works by using Identifont's Similarity database, which arranges fonts in a multi-dimensional space according to their visual similarity. The Font Blender tool effectively finds the most direct path in this multidimensional space between the two specified fonts.