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Victor Garcia

Victor Garcia

Victor Garcia is a graphic designer working in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Before working on type design he worked for several advertising agencies in Buenos Aires as Creative Director, Art Director, and Graphic Designer, and was founder partner of the Circulo de Creativos Argentinos, an advertising association devoted to promote professional excellence by the means of Annual Competitions. During this time won several advertising prizes in Buenos Aires.

His type designs include Linotype Tangomaniacs Day and Linotype Tangomaniacs Night, which are Tango dancer's symbol fonts; Bix Plain, a positive and negative font; and the Zootype series of fauna fonts. His original Linotype Zootype generic fauna font won second prize at the 1997 International Digital Type Design Contest, organized by Linotype Library. In 2006, his type designs Ole Flamenco ND - about Flamenco dancers - and Ole Torero ND - devoted to bullfighting - won tpG's first prize in the symbol fonts category at the Second Biennale Letras Latinas.

Many of his works have been featured in books and design exhibitions, including the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe. Grafische Sammlung. Hamburg, since 1998.

[Victor Garcia, October 2006]


Fonts designed by Victor Garcia

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