Submit fonts
Help us keep Identifont the most comprehensive guide to fonts on the Internet by contributing your fonts for inclusion. Here are five important benefits of being included in Identifont:
Identify by appearance
Your fonts will be included in the Identifont expert system, so visitors to the Identifont Web site can locate them from a sample by answering a series of questions about key characteristics.
Search by name
Your fonts will be available in the Identifont database so visitors can search for them by name, with the advantage that Identifont's Doyoumean technology will locate them even if users mistype or misspell the name.
Find by similarity
Your fonts will be included in Identifont's similarity rating, which positions each typeface in a multi-dimensional space according to its visual similarity to other typefaces, allowing users to find typefaces that are visually similar to a specified starting typeface.
Get found in search engines
Benefit from Identifont's high ranking in Google and other search engines, both for general searches such as "Find a font", for specific searches by typeface name, and for image searches.
Browse by classification
With your permission your fonts will also be included in the Fontscape type directory, which classifies typefaces according to a range of useful, independent criteria such as period, appearance, mood, and application.
How to submit your fonts
To submit your fonts to Identifont please email the following information about each font to :
- The name of the font.
- The designer of the font, and year it was designed.
- The name of the copyright owner, publisher, and vendor.
- A copy of the font, preferably OpenType format.
- Any other information you would like us to include.