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Questions answered

Filter: All letters, All years

44 possible fonts.

1: Serif or sans-serif?
2: Q shape
3: J height
4: $ style
5: A vertex
6: E centre serifs
7: K junction
8: 4 shape
9: C top serif
10: 3 style
11: M height
12: G bar
13: W shape
14: W centre serifs
15: G foot
16: P shape
17: U stem?
18: h serifs
19: g shape
20: g gap
21: e shape
22: C top serif angle
23: ? dot shape
24: J tail
25: 4 bar
26: 4 foot
27: q spur/serif
28: C shape
29: T top

Approximately six questions remaining.

What angle is the top serif of the upper-case 'C'?

Angled left.
Vertical or nearly vertical.
Angled right.