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FF Tisa Bold

FF Tisa Bold

Open single
The '$' (dollar) has a single line which does not cross the 'S'.
No top serif
The top stroke of the upper-case 'C' has no upward-pointing serif.
The centre vertex of the upper-case 'W' has no serifs.
The lower storey of the lower-case 'g' has a gap.

Note that the fonts in the icons shown above represent general examples, not necessarily the two fonts chosen for comparison.

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Adobe Caslon Bold

Adobe Caslon Bold

The '$' (dollar) has a double line crossing the 'S'.
Top serif
The top stroke of the upper-case 'C' has a vertical or angled upward-pointing serif.
The centre vertex of the upper-case 'W' has two separate serifs.
No gap
The lower storey of the lower-case 'g' has no gap.